Ohana: Remembering My Hero

by - July 11, 2017

It was an ordinary day in 9th of July of 2003. Dreams used to be so sweet and mornings used to be the best for our family.
Having breakfast together with Tatay's favorite Tuna Omelette. Not until I got the news that broke me forever. They say that first cut is the deepest - and among all those heartbreaks that I've already faced this one is the most painful of all. The day that I lost the man who loved us the most. I remember him as a strong man. Probably stronger than everyone I've ever known my entire life. Growing up, he made sure that all his grandchildren get only the best thing in life. With him, I've experienced a truly joyful childhood and with that, I'll be forever grateful.

It has been 14 long years since he passed but for me, his memory and legacy lived on. Each year, we celebrate his life as a family and this year is not any different. We went to church, visited our family mausoleum, then had lunch. I still miss him every day, you know. I always whisper a short prayer because I know God takes the message to him. It makes me sad that he wasn't able to meet Lucas in person but I know with all the quirkiness Lucas did, he's laughing in heaven.

We ate at #Delicioso Buffet Restaurant.
Here is a photo of my auntie with my two younger cousins.

Nanay and Tita Bebe

They didn't like the food either.

Lucas with my mom.
Lucas was doing the mukhasim face and really wanted me to capture it on camera. It was too cute! I wanted to cry!

As for the restaurant, we ate at I'd give it a 3 out of 5 stars. I didn't like it that much. I didn't even bother to take photos of the menu. Although I did like their baked mussels but the rest - nothing special.

Hope I could share more updates with you as often. I still have lots of things on my backlog *cries* but I'll do my best to be more updated.


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