Life Lately Ep 02 - 2019

by - March 27, 2019

Credits to the owner of this stock photo from Unsplash

Hola fairies! So I am back for another episode of What's Going On In My Boring Life. 😁 Let me just share some updates in bullet form. 💚💚💚

  • I've been really busy with work these days (what's new siz), I've got a bucket full of tasks and duties to fulfill but so far so good. IT IS STRESSFUL and not good for the mental health but trying to get through every single day with a smile. 💜
  • My mom has been pestering me with her Samgyup cravings and I gave in. I told her to stop watching Yang Soo Bin mukbangs cuz those videos are sinful. Hahahaha 😂😂😂
  • My nephew's new addiction? Toy Story 1! He has already memorized it and knows the scenes by heart. He would cry if we don't play it for him. Such a cutie pie. 💙💚💛💜
  • Funny but I am so invested in this online drama of a so-called Facebook loveteam and this girl from RBreezy something. Guy is obvs a crook, I don't understand how he got 2 girls fighting over him. Not. Worth. IT. This is just another effin episode of #MenAreTrash *pukes my gut out** 😠😠😠
  • I started writing something on my journal daily but in third person POV. 💜
Well, for now. These are all I can remember. But I'll update again soon. 💛💜💚💙

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